Privacy Policy

Who We Are

The web address for our site is

Uploading Media

Should you choose to upload pictures onto our site, we advise eliminating any implanted geolocation particulars (for instance, EXIF GPS). There are chances that other people downloading these images may be able to access location data.


By leaving a comment or submitting a form on our website, you have the option to save your name, email address, and website in cookies which will enhance convenience in future visits. This way, such things as re-entering details are avoided every time you engage with the site again. However, these cookies last for one year.

Embedded Content from Other Websites

In some cases, pages of this website might have embedded items like videos, images, or articles. So embedded content behaves just like someone viewing it from an external website where the media were initially posted. Authoring sites using hyperlinks may collect user information, utilize cookies, use third-party tracking codes etcetera which assist them in monitoring how an individual interacts with embedded content especially for logged in users.

Data Retention

Metadata regarding comments left behind as well as forms submitted is kept indefinitely once made; this facilitates the automatic recognition and approval of follow-up comments in lieu of holding them in a moderation queue.

For people with accounts on our website (if any), we also store personal information provided therein. This includes being able to view, update, or delete any details at any time except changing usernames. Admins for the site may still access and amend such data.

Your Data Rights

Those who have an account or have filled in forms can get their individual information exported out of our system whether it is what they gave out or anything else. Moreover, it is also possible to request for deletion of any details that we hold on you as an individual apart from those needed to keep legally or administratively.

Where Your Data Is Sent

Visitors’ comments and form submissions may go through an automated spam detection service.

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